The #1 Career Strategy Tool
You Need to Get Clear
on Your Next Chapter
Are you thinking of returning to work after a break OR pivoting careers in midlife?
You’re not alone!
The time to reevaluate - or relaunch- your career is NOW
We work with talented, accomplished women like you in the EvolveMe community every day. And we know, if you’re thinking about a change, the time to reevaluate your career is NOW.
But how can you figure out a new direction? Where do you start? What can you do that will help things feel less fuzzy?
If you’re asking yourself these questions, then the EvolveMe Career SWOT is for you!
We work with talented, accomplished women like you in the EvolveMe community every day. And we know, if you’re thinking about a change, the time to reevaluate your career is NOW.
But how can you figure out a new direction? Where do you start? What can you do that will help things feel less fuzzy?
If you’re asking yourself these questions, then the EvolveMe Career SWOT is for you!
That’s a member of our EvolveMe community reflecting on how she felt after she took the time to do a self-assessment of her skills and experiences at the front-end of her career change.
Put the time in now and see it'll pay off tenfold. You’ll connect to new opportunities faster and with more confidence when you have the right tool to guide you.
Stop and think for a minute.
Do you have a framework to think strategically about:
Returning to workforce after a break?
Pivoting careers?
Finding more flexible or meaningful work?
Launching your own new venture?
If there’s one thing we’ve learned through our work at EvolveMe, it’s that women don't spend enough time early in their career transition focusing on what’s right in front of them:
That’s a member of our EvolveMe community reflecting on how she felt after she took the time to do a self-assessment of her skills and experiences at the front-end of her career change.
Put the time in now and see it'll pay off tenfold. You’ll connect to new opportunities faster and with more confidence when you have the right tool to guide you.
Stop and think for a minute.
Do you have a framework to think strategically about:
Returning to workforce after a break?
Pivoting careers?
Finding more flexible or meaningful work?
Launching your own new venture?
If there’s one thing we’ve learned through our work at EvolveMe, it’s that women don't spend enough time early in their career transition focusing on what’s right in front of them:
Just for you, we’ve developed our own version of a classic strategic planning tool, the SWOT analysis. We’ve adapted it for self-assessment -- with a special EvolveMe spin!
We’ve created this resource to help you get a snapshot of where you’re at right now. Invest in yourself and carve out about 30 minutes to complete it!
Navigating a career transition can seem overwhelming and unachievable. We know because we’ve been there! We found the process isolating -- Linda as a returner after an 18-year break and Judy as a pivoter from a national non-profit. We knew there were many women in the same position and yearned for a group of like-minded peers with whom to undergo the professional reinvention process.
After building out a program for women returning to work in the social impact sector, we came to realize the very real need for programming developed for the specific needs of women at mid-life. And we discovered our passion. We founded EvolveMe as a way to help mid-career women kick-start their career transformation through curated programming and support from each other.
©2023 EvolveMe LLC | New York, New York